This here, is what ya call baby cherry tomato plants....5 days after planting.
Yea, I'm THAT good. HA!
Course, there should be TEN effin plants there instead of 4, but hey, I can't make dead seeds grow. (effin seeds!)

On to other things... how about the first 25 things that come to mind? Hmmm.
1) I went to Carla's memorial service yesterday. Funerals suck and that's all I have to say about that.
2) I did however get to go see my momma while I was at the cemetary, so that was good.
3) YAY! It's raining today.
4) Walked 3.5 miles yesterday. Felt good.
5) My NECTAR of the GODS today is paired with Vanilla creamer. MMM MMM Good!
6) I can't wait to eat cherry tomato's! The last time I had them growing, I was getting a basket of tomatos every 3 days or so. It was GREAT!
7) I wonder who I'll put as my friend of the week next week... Hmmm.
8) If you pronounce "shrimp" as "shrumps" you'll have my heart forever. My mom used to say that.
9) I'm patiently awaiting my corn to emerge from their slumber. I planted 10 seeds. We'll see what happens.
10) No, I haven't planted any in my neighbors yard yet, but if you've a keen eye and mind to walk behind Merced College, you might just see something sprouting in a few days. ;)
11) I'm wondering what I'm going to do for my research paper in my business law class.
12) I've been chatting with my Friend Erin in FLA more lately. She's so fun!
13) The beach is calling me.
14) Wonder Twin Powers Activate! Form ice stake for those effin mater plants that are gonna get so huge!
15) I'm blessed to have such good friends!
16) Just remembered a joke my mom used to tell about the mating call of a clam. (it's visual, maybe I'll video it and post it later...)
17) I found out yesterday that when my new cell phone gets low on battery power, it doesn't effin receive texts and I can only call emergency numbers. Go figure!
18) I'm looking forward to looking forward. Things can only get better.
19) Food. What am I gonna make today? I'm not awake enough to think about that yet.
20) Yes, the beach is calling me.
21) Did my taxes last night. I need to mail them today. I'm actually getting money back. I think Obama's gonna make me a millionaire. I mean cmon, that's why everyone (52%) voted for him right? He's also gonna pay my rent, fill my tank with gas, blow up my tires, and make us a socialist nation! YeeHaw!
22) I think a stimulus package should include condoms for everyone, cause we're sure gonna get eff'ed by it.
23) I wonder if a sailboat would fit in the pool.
24) Random thoughts are SO much fun!
25) Today's grapple for the day (on my computer monitor) is: Attend a lecture. Comment on what you heard to at least one other person, and relish the exchange of ideas.
(PS...the song today is from an album entitled "Hang on Little Tomato" by Pink Martini.)
Quote for the day:
"The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid. " -- Art Spander