We had absolutely zero problems with the RV. It did its job wonderfully taking us from CA to FLA. We did have one little scare with an electrical fire smell that we got a wiff of, so we stopped and checked everything out and that was the last we smelt of it. That was in Texas as I recall...in the rain. I had a wonderful visit with my sis in law and my niece Julia. That was such a good time. I really need to get back for a longer visit with everyone soon.
So, here's some pics from the trip. It was a good thing.
Here's Miss Jules and I at a GREAT tapas place. That food was SO delicious!!
Silouhettes are fun....(did I FN spell that right?)

Goin across the MISSISSIPPI River! WOOP!

I won this lil guy at a gas station/rest stop we stopped at. Not bad for 50 cents!
And I FN forgot him in the RV....I'll have to have my brother ship it to me.

First stop we made at a rest stop in arizona. I didn't have to go that bad...

I took this luminary smile out the back window of the RV the night we left. COOL huh!

Chewin on these Cigars by Drew Estates was almost as good as smokin them!
I took one minute of video in each state we drove through, but I reeeeeallly don't want to upload all that and have to change the music player and all that, so I spose I'll just keep those to myself.
It's all just video of the road in front of me as I was driving. I know, SEXCITING stuff! Blah.
Got a 95% on my first online Quiz in macro-Econ. I'm mad at myself cause I missed one.
I'll have to pay more attention whilst I'm reading....
That's about all goin in (that I can share), so, everyone have a wonderful weekend!
Quotes for the day:
"When you helped somebody, right away you were responsible for that person. And things always followed for which you were never prepared. " -- Martha Brooks, True Confessions of a Heartless Girl
"What's another word for Thesaurus?" -- Steven Wright