Monday, February 2, 2009

A Refresher

Howdy Ya'll! Welcome back!
Just a refresher about the little blog here...

1) Please feel free to comment! If you do comment, you can be anonymous for a while, but please leave your name in the body of the comment at some point, so I eventually know who's commenting. I enjoy responding to comments, so comment away! You don't need an account to do so, by the way. Just click on the little comment link under the entry you're viewing, and a window will pop up. Fill in your comment (with your name if you don't have a gmail account), then scroll down and click the bubble entitled "Anonymous". Then click the button marked "Publish Your Comment".

2) If you'd like to be added to my notification list, just email me at the address at the top of the page and let me know. I'd be happy to add you. Just think, you can get official FN spam in your email box a few times a week! Whoopee!

3) About the music that's playing; Whenever I post a new entry, I choose a song to correspond to it in some way. It may be eccentrically corresponding, but hey, I'm a nerd. SO? (and No, I didn't change the song for this entry because I like that last song so much. It's uplifting, what can I say?)

4) If there's a topic you'd like me to tackle, in either poem or writing form, email me. You may just see a post on it later.

5) If you'd like to be added to my friend of the week section, email me a photo of yourself, and I'll write something nice to make us both feel good. You'll SO get sexposure for a week on my blog! (Whoopee again!)

6) This number left intentionally blank.

7) Don't you hate when businesses do that?

8) Smile! You look (and feel) better with it on.


I just found out a couple of friends of mine passed away recently from their obit's in the paper.
They have found their way to God. Rest in Peace my friends.

Carla Hackett - Born 8-4-1964, Passed 1-22-09. 42 years young.

Ed Airosa - Born 7-18-1936, Passed 1-29-09. 72 years young.


Quote for the day:

"Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself." -- Ausonius


beav said...


1 FN HandyMan said...

Nice Beav. lol