You're not yaying?
Well, YAY Dammit!
It's the FN middle of the week!
We allll know what that means!
Ok. Maybe not.
Hump Day.
Middle of the week.
The Zenith.
It's all down hill from here.
Not that Fridays mean much to someone not working, but hey, Fridays can be fun too, even if it's just another day to me.
How about a Wednesday Haiku?? (the 5,7,5 syllable poem)
Walking all alone,
I spied a hot chick! oh yea,
It had been fried up.
Yea, Yea. My haiku writing skills aren't what they used to be. Blah! (as my friend Emily says)
It's almost time for a beach trip. I need some serenity. I need some salt air. I need some sun!
I know someone that will go on a spur of the moment too! WOOP WOOP!
I use the phrase "It's not the destination, it's the way you get there that's the adventure."
That SO rings true most of the time. I enjoy the adventure you can have just by driving somewhere like the coast. Have you ever seen Pea Soup Anderson's in Santa Nella?
You can't miss it if you drive through Santa Nella. There's only one effin road!
Here. Check this pic out.

THAT my friends is the best place to get a bowl of split pea soup EVER.If you don't believe me, adventure yourself right on over there and try it out. If you like pea soup, you won't be disappointed.
Let's see....where else can you stop off on the way to the coast?
There's Dinosaur point!!
Yes, I've been there. No, I didn't see one FN dinosaur. False advertising methinks.
Everyone's heard of Casa De Fruta right? If you have and never stopped there for wine tasting, shopped the fresh fruit stand, rode the casa de train, or seen the Casa De Duck, you really have NOT LIVED. They just started having the NOR CAL Ren Fair there a few years back. It's in Sept and Oct I think. Really cool stuff. Take a lot of $5 bills for that cause everything costs $5. No sales tax. They didn't have any back then. (better take sales tax money just in case though). Nothing like a weekend of cleavage and prose! Thou shouldst "WOOP WOOP!" right about now...
You KNOW you wanna click on those links and check out those sites. Go ahead. Click. I DARE ya.
I'll just post a Quote or four for the day (with cliff notes by me) whilst you're busy clicking.
I'm thinking Broccoli Beef stir fry for lunch...now THAT's adventure! MMM MMM MMM
Oh, one more thing. If you have something to say, use the COMMENT clicky thingy under the quotes!
Oh wait...one more thing. If you've never seen my 30 days of Bed Head project, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the blog and check'er out! :)
Quote for the day:
"No man is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them deliberately. " -- Michel de Montaigne (This is SO me. I say stupid stuff just to make people laugh!)
"Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life. " -- Adele Brookman (Can we use it to scare other people to death?)
"If you don't run your own life, somebody else will. " -- John Atkinson
(Anyone else fallen into that particular trap?)
"The best mirror is an old friend." -- George Herbert, 1651
(BFF's...ya gotta love em!)
OMG! Your facial expressions have me ROFLMAO! You're soooo funny, Son!
Love ya!
Happy Hump day!!!I must say I have been to all those places :) When you decide to go on your little beach trip breath some sea air for me! I do miss that part of California :)MMmm Brocc beef your making me hungry again lol I think I need to come see you so you can cook some yummy stuff for me,so then I can make a huge pig out of myself woop woop lol
OINK! Welcome to MY world lil piggy! Join the slop pit! LOL
I shall endeavor to breath enough sea air for all of us Bella! :D
Did you find Dinosaur point as disappointing as I did? or was it just me?
Yes i do remember it being very disappointing! Nothing special :)
Oink lol
You forgot to mention the best part of Casa De Fruta! All the candy and piss-stacheoz! mmmmmm
Please, oh please, oh please bring me a Candied Apple from De Casa De Puta. . .I mean, Fruta. And, some dried apricots, too, if you don't mind. :D
Love, love, love you!
LOL ok Ma!
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