It was a somber affair that touched his heart like no other.
His parents were gone from this material earth.
As the dirt hit the coffin after leaving his hand, he knew this to be true.

He would remember them always, and cherish every moment and every breath he drew with them the last years of their lives. He felt blessed to be able to share that with them.

He would remember good times and bad, lessons taught and received, holidays and the usual days.
But, most of all, he would remember them as the pillars of his strength and character and generosity that he had come to know and love and cherish. He would strive to complete their legacy, and earn the fruitful life he had been so blessed to be born into.
He will fill the void with the expanding memories of both his old life and his new.
Mom, Pop, thanks for everything you've ever done for our family, but most of all, thanks for the memories.
Quote for the day:
"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one." -- James A. Froude
Great blog Darren on saying goodbye and thanks to mom and dad.
Very nice touch ....
Look to the sky !!!!!!!
Oh very nicely wrote Darren!
Thanks Jeff, Beav, and Bella. That means a lot to me.
I haven't had a chance to reply until now, I too was touched by what you said about your mom and dad. It was very sweet and heartfelt!
I can't wait to close my eyes and imagine the smiles on their faces 6 months from now. God's timing is perfect. The time you have spent in the valley these past years is over Honey. I will forever be grateful to our Lord and Savior for allowing me to be a part of your NEW life! Let us Rock this BIOTCH! I FN LOVE YOU MAN!
Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!
Hey D,
That was so cool! Wow...your parents wedding! I see where you get your good looks from. ;-) At least they're together again where they'll be most happy. Love you D! This was too sweet.
Hugs and love,
Wow. That was beautiful. I love the old pics.
Thanks Shannon, J, J, and Sam!
Love ya J's!
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