Yes! Finally made it to the beach last weekend!
Not quite the peaceful trip I needed, but the beach is always wonderful nonetheless!
YES, we stopped by the ever so famous Casa De Fruta. It was totally casa de sexciting.
Wanna see pics?
I know ya do.
We stopped at Casa De Fruta on the way there and on the way back. Here are pics in no particular order, cause this effin site is weird when doing pics....
Casa de Greeting sign:
Casa de Me in front of Casa de Fountain:
Casa de Fish sign with the missing head:
Casa de Haunted Effin Tunnel!
Casa De Friends:
Casa de umbrella Hole:

Casa de Krag.
Casa de cool tree:
Casa de Tunnel in Monterey where I made everyone start honkin their horns:
Casa de Bird:

Casa de sunset:

Casa de New Armor I got at Casa de Craft Fair!
"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. " -- Arthur Rubinstein

Casa de sunset:

Casa de New Armor I got at Casa de Craft Fair!
We all had a pretty good effin time! It was a wonderful day.
Apparently I made everyone's day when I munched it in the sand while racing Miss Ashlynn.

That's where my knee slid in the sand as I was munchin. I was totally just letting her win. lol ;)
I'm looking forward to another trip very soon. Can't wait!
Quote for the day: (maybe two)
"The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend." -- Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters, 1999
I could smell that beach looking at the picture! And Aww.. the last time I was at Casa de Fruta was with the man I fell sweetly in love with in 2004. Good memories.
Is it me..or was Mike checking out my ass? HAHAHAHAHA! Pig!
Yay A.W.!! Good memories are sexcellent!
Casa de Donkey Checker J? lol
I would have paid money to see you biff it in the sand. lol That place looks awesome, I've actually been there, but nothing was open, we just stopped there for a bathroom break on the way to Great America.
I am so jealous, I need a day at the beach! Or some gummy worms from Casa. I see a road trip in my future! BTW, I love your quote. I know someone who starts every Monday morning by asking about my weekend to which I usually respond "Fine", "Busy" or "Ok" and then I get a least a half an hour play by play of thier entire weekend. It is soooooooooo irritating!
LOL Sam! I only ask when I REALLY wanna know! :)
Looks like a fun trip! Oh i so miss the beach :)
looks like a great trip, nice ring
DARREN ?????????????? Where are you ???????????/
My internet is down at my residence beav!! Will be back up soon (so they effin say)...
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