Mark's Favorite spot to reflect, at sunset

Into Seattle we go!

Along the road in Oregon. Pretty state.

I went for a walk early in the morning after we stayed the night in a hotel on the way up. Snapped this picture and then I started looking for the guy.

We shall dub him, "The Drooler".

I went for a walk early in the morning after we stayed the night in a hotel on the way up. Snapped this picture and then I started looking for the guy.

Ugly state. Yes, CA.

I only smoked when I got nervous drivin that big arse truck!

Hey look! That's mount Shasta in the background!

At Marks fav spot again.

The Space Needle!

On their new porch at the apartment.

Pikes Place Chowder!

DAMN that was goooood!
"So he called him Da-a-a-a-a-d." (goat joke)
Leyen, "Get in da pooopah"
Random guy at gas station, "Can I bum a cigarette?"
(we hand him a camel crush) "Oh 18 year old chicks ask me to crush these all the time cause they're not strong enough to do it."
D-Bob, "Tell them to use their thighs."
While watching Super Bad...
Jim, "Leyen this is good. You're gettin a good start on your college career here by watching this."
Chris (while brushing his teeth), "Yea, when you get to your first class, find the biggest jock and feed him your nut sack. Smooth sailing from there."
Liz makes a gagging sound as she laughs and almost swallows her toothpaste. "GOD man, that was disgusting, I almost swallowed that!"
Jim, "WOW, you don't here that come from her lips very often!"
Background: I shared a drew carrey audio with J a few months back. It was called "101 Big dick jokes" and you can find it on youtube if you so choose. Anyhoot, ever since, she and I have been bantering back and forth about it. Here are the ones from the trip via text....
Me, "My dick is so big, they had to close down the space needle because it put it to shame."
She, "My dick is so big, it has it's own atmosphere."
Me, "My dick is so big, you have to use light speed to get from one end to the other."
She,"My dick is so big, Micheal Jackson used it as a stage for ALL of his concerts around the world. Low maintenance, no breaking down."
Me, "My dick is so big, I had to use the moving van to bring it up here to Seattle."
She, "My dick is so big, I couldn't go with you because the moving van isn't big enough FOR MY DICK."
Me, "Yea, I had to lay mine on the top as well... And if I got sexcited, I had to find a tunnel."
She,"My dick is so big, people honk when they drive through all 4 lanes in my pee hole."Me, "My dick is so big, so there."She, "My dick is so big, I had to buy 3 California King size beds. 1 for me and 2 for my dick!"
Me, "My dick is so big, you can use the veins as a life size road map to get from Seattle to Atwater."
Hope you enjoyed those. they cracked me up just readin em. LOL
Quotes for the day:
"Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world. " -- Annie Lennox
"My dick is so big, it's in the next room making us drinks." -- Drew Carrey

"So he called him Da-a-a-a-a-d." (goat joke)
Leyen, "Get in da pooopah"
Random guy at gas station, "Can I bum a cigarette?"
(we hand him a camel crush) "Oh 18 year old chicks ask me to crush these all the time cause they're not strong enough to do it."
D-Bob, "Tell them to use their thighs."
While watching Super Bad...
Jim, "Leyen this is good. You're gettin a good start on your college career here by watching this."
Chris (while brushing his teeth), "Yea, when you get to your first class, find the biggest jock and feed him your nut sack. Smooth sailing from there."
Liz makes a gagging sound as she laughs and almost swallows her toothpaste. "GOD man, that was disgusting, I almost swallowed that!"
Jim, "WOW, you don't here that come from her lips very often!"
Background: I shared a drew carrey audio with J a few months back. It was called "101 Big dick jokes" and you can find it on youtube if you so choose. Anyhoot, ever since, she and I have been bantering back and forth about it. Here are the ones from the trip via text....
Me, "My dick is so big, they had to close down the space needle because it put it to shame."
She, "My dick is so big, it has it's own atmosphere."
Me, "My dick is so big, you have to use light speed to get from one end to the other."
She,"My dick is so big, Micheal Jackson used it as a stage for ALL of his concerts around the world. Low maintenance, no breaking down."
Me, "My dick is so big, I had to use the moving van to bring it up here to Seattle."
She, "My dick is so big, I couldn't go with you because the moving van isn't big enough FOR MY DICK."
Me, "Yea, I had to lay mine on the top as well... And if I got sexcited, I had to find a tunnel."
She,"My dick is so big, people honk when they drive through all 4 lanes in my pee hole."Me, "My dick is so big, so there."She, "My dick is so big, I had to buy 3 California King size beds. 1 for me and 2 for my dick!"
Me, "My dick is so big, you can use the veins as a life size road map to get from Seattle to Atwater."
Hope you enjoyed those. they cracked me up just readin em. LOL
ok..on to the quotes! WOOP
Quotes for the day:
"Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world. " -- Annie Lennox
"My dick is so big, it's in the next room making us drinks." -- Drew Carrey
Daaammnn LOL! We crack me up! YAY!!! You guys are home!!! Woop! Be there soon!
BTW...My dick is so big that there’s not enough earth to bury me with it.
damn I thought I deleted all the pics of me sleeping. dammit! :(
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