Monday, April 26, 2010

Poetry on Monday! 4-26-10


Sometimes you meet people,
Who seem to be your reward,
At what you think and hope,
May be the end of a period in your life,
When you’ve struggled so hard,
Just to survive.
The mental fortitude it takes,
To continue on,
Can build walls,
That are so hard to tear down,
To let people in.
You don’t know what’s in store for you,
That’s a high in itself,
And Simultaneously,
A fear of strickening proportions,
That can seek to destroy that reward.
I suppose it’s a balancing act,
With you on the platform ,
On one end of the tight rope,
Your reward of friendship on the other.
Take a deep breath,
Be at peace,
And step off into your fears.
Your reward awaits,
Not at the end of the line,
But the beginning.

Quote for the day:

You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. -- John Wooden


Joyce said...

Very well said D! Love it!

1 FN HandyMan said...

Thanks J!! You Rock! :D

Anonymous said...

Yep..twins. :)

Love ya D!