Friday, November 20, 2009

A 10 by 10 by 10 Box

Here I sit,

The last night I will stay here,

Wanting to make them proud,

Wanting to be strong,

As they were.

I miss them so much,

As I will miss the life they made here,

For myself,

And for my Brothers and sister.

A new life I contemplate,

One without them,

For me to lean on them,

For them to lean on me.

For now,

As I'm forced to move on and detach,

I'll take life one day at a time,

Putting what I can save,

Of their life and mine,

In a ten,

By ten,

By ten box,

Filled with their memories.


Anonymous said...

I love you D.

beav said...

We just pulled out our 10 x 10 box the other night. It worked.

Love ya man