Monday, February 22, 2010

Use enough Dynamite there Butch?

Sometimes, I just have to share some music.
I was humming this song to myself today for some reason.
Joni was thinking it was Chim Chiminey, so I had to hear it all.
Such a great movie! (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)
I remember watching it with my folks.
Perhaps it was this movie that my Pop created his famous line, "Oh look, he fell off of his horsey!".
It's funny the things we remember.
God Love him.
Mom's Shrumps and saying "jess" for yes.
Yea, I miss them.
Still hits me occasionally, the mourning.
Don't know if it will ever end, or if I care that it doesn't.
All I know is, there love was complete.
I hope it comes to me one day and that I'm not asleep at the helm when it does.
Until such a time, I'll use a enough dynamite to keep me moving along in the right direction.
Dubah dubah dubah daaaaaah daaaaa dubbadaaaaaaah (sing it!)


Quote for the day:

"You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again." -- Bonnie Prudden

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God sure has a way with healing, doesn't he?