Yes, my twin has had me working diligently on another lil thing.
I never knew there was actual paint to paint a chalkboard into being, but yes, there is.
Thanks J for learnin me somethin new! I'm so blessed to know her!
Anyhoot, a bit of sanding, a bit of chalkboard paint, a bit of sawing, a bit of painting, and there ya go! A Chalkboard for the Bestest Day care ever!!
This FN Handyman is getting quite a repertoir of things under his ummm...Gut.
Pretty FN cool if ya ask me. Go ahead, ask me. I dare ya! :P
Looks like our next project will be a sand box that we can add a roof to later. WOOOP! Gotta love sannnnnd boxes. I can't wait to make a sand hut. (I'm not good enough to make a FN castle so shut it.)
Other notes and shenanigans:
I still haven't cleaned my car out, but I have to today cause I'm takin a buddy to a dentist appointment cause he's gonna get drugged and won't be able to drive. Lucky him.
Went and finished my apps for financial aid and signed up for my classes and two of them were already closed. The nice lady at the admissions counter told me to email the instructor for the online course and to just show up at the other one as there wasn't an instructor's name yet in the schedule. (it said "staff") So, um lady...what if I don't get into that class or the other class? Will I have no class?
The things I ponder are stupendous.
The pool is in it's nasty stage for the winter. It's just not worth it to keep it full of chemicals and clean. Too much wind, cold, and weather to bother with it. It ain't like I'd go swimmin right now anyhoot. This cold is kickin my arse. I have no energy. What's up with that? I take my vitamins and everything! Guess I'm just gettin ol...nope...i'm not gonna say it. I'm still young dammit!
The nectar is exceptionally good this morning! I have no idea why, as I made it as I usually make it. Maybe it was that sneeze when I was filling the nectar pot with water....hmmmm. (harf)
Last night I was so bored that I baked something. AND IT DIDN'T BURN! OMG! We all know me and baking. Heck, I baked a pizza the other day and it came out crispy. FN Pizza. (it was yummy anyways). But back to the UNBURNT baking thing. I made a nectar cake with streusel topping that had pecans and canned pears in it. (YES I said CANNED) It's FN good! Even pop liked it. So what if I didn't make it until like eleven oclock at night. That's probably why I didn't burn it. I wasn't awake enough to pay attention to what I was doing. Needless to it is for your drooling pleasure:

Ok, so it's not THAT yummy lookin. Whateva. It's still FN tasty.
Been working on a few more walking staves. They're coming along nicely.
And for now,
NECTAR! (choke)
Quote for the day:
"We turn not older with years, but newer every day." -- Emily Dickinson
Well, my Twin, you are an amzing man and friend and I am blessed to know you and am greatful that God placed you in our lives. I look forward to many more projects and can't wait to start our first actual money maker! FN YAY to the Le Hello Kittay!
Anywho, I expect I'll be eating some of the coffee cake ya didn't burn this evening....HA!
Peace Nukkah!
Love the goodies you and my Joni made, Son. My twins FN Rock! ;) Oh - and, the quote for today - or, was it yesterdays? Don't matter. Bet I'm the 'NEWEST' blogger on FN Shenanigans. But, don't cry. You'll be 'NEWER' than me, some day. . .
LOL...YAY MOM! Welcome! What about the quote? Did it totally suck?;) and J...I wasn't sure if you could eat it cause it had the pecans in it. I'll bring ya some though when I get to Merdead today. :)
Pecans...Heaughhhttt. J
As I suspected! ;)
Your blog brings a smile to my fn face every day !!!!!!
Why, Thank you, Son. ;) Naaaah. . .didn't totally suck - just enough to add a couple frown lines on my 'fork-head'. BTW, J, what the hell's 'heaughhhhttt?! OH! NM, sounded it out. . .good gollll-eeeee. Made coffee come out my nose!
YAY BEAV! I'm glad you enjoy it! :)
And Ma, Glad you figured out what heaugghhttt means! LOL
Hey, I may be thlow, but I'm loth'a fun at pahties. . .least, I used to be.
You have a twin sister? Really? And your Mom is contributing to your blog?? COOKIES! (Oops, wrong blog! lol!) FN Shenanigans, indeed. ;)
LOL Jen! Joni and I are so much alike and have known each other so long, we use the other half of each others brain! And that would be J's Mom, My surrogate mom since my mom passed... :) SHENANIGANS ROCK!
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