The new year has begun.
Ode to joy.
Did you make a NY's Resolution?
I've decided this year not to even bother.
I'll take what life throws at me and still kick and scream.
I mean, why wait til a new year begins to change your life?
I did that 53 days ago, so HA! (stopped smoking AND drinking)
Goin back to school this semester at the local JC too.
Guess I should get on that. It's only been 16 years.
I stopped going when my son was born....time to get back there and finish a degree or something!
I only have 4 classes to go to get my AA in English, but I think I'll begin classes for an AA in Small Business Management and then see what goes on from there. Can't hurt!
Oh, I got the staves done, and I'm happy to say that everyone thought they turned out awesome! I thought so too...they were a lot of work. I still have more to make, but now I can do them at my own speed instead of being rushed.
Here's a lil video of them:
If you're interested, shoot me an email and we can discuss price now that my prototypes are out of the way...They'll only get better from here!
Speaking of prices, I still have some of my Spice of Life if anyones interested. Just made a new batch actually! WOOP!
Here's what you get for $7 plus shipping costs:

That's about 7 ounces of deeeeeelicious spices that go great on ANYthing! (Even your finger lol)
Again, shoot me an email if interested in my Spice of Life!
That's about it for the new year update. I hope all is going well in your neck of the woods! :)
Quote for the day:
"All of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today." -- Dale Carnegie
And another one on similiar lines:
"You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand? " -- Robert Louis Stevenson
Very positive message all the way through. Way to go, bro! Those staves look super-cool.
Thanks James! Hope your New year started off well! :)
Good for you! I like the staves. Congrats on your 53 days, too. My new year's resolution is to quit internet dating forever. So far I'm very happy with that decision.
I started back to school last semester, took macroeconomics, and learned a bunch of stuff I never knew. lol. Now I'm ready for my master's at UOP! Gettin ready for that & off we go. 2009 will be busy.
2007 and 2008 were awful. This year has to be better, the odds are weighted heavy towards it! :) (Way to be positive, huh!) Have a great week, D.
Kicking and screaming..The only way to live!
Wow! You HAVE been workin Jen! Good Job! :) I agree, 2009 is going to be a wonderful year. You have a great week too!
Yes Joni, YES! The only way to live! lol
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