Now is the PERFECT time for a practical joke of this type...
Go to the store and buy yourself one of those little envelopes of Corn seeds.
Go ahead...
Go buy some. I'll wait.
(whistle whistle)
Do you have the seeds? Good!
Now, go for a walk, and be sure to take your little packet of seeds and a screw driver.
As you stroll about your neighborhood, look for those lawns that are neglected or not cut very often.
When you find one, stab said lawn with your screwdriver about an inch deep, insert a corn kernel into the hole, then step on it. If you're a ninja, you can do this in one fluid motion and no one will be the wiser. If you're not a ninja, drop a can or a bottle of water and act like you're picking it up or something.
If your neighbor is REALLY annoying, do this along the entire front of his/her lawn, depositing said kernels at a rate of 5 or so per day (about a foot apart) as you go for your leisurely stroll.
In about 60 days, the entire lawn (and house behind it) will be blocked by a nice row of corn stalks about 7 feet tall.
If you keep track of where you have deposited the kernels, you can watch and chuckle as you take your walks, and feed a family all at the same time.
Have fun with this! You could even use differing seeds. Any plant that is tall and hard to miss would be great. Sunflowers spring to mind...
Anyways, spread the laughter, and feel free to do this at my house. I LOVE corn.
Quote for the day:
"Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh. " -- W. H. Auden
Midnight Farmers Association. I think you got some there D :)
YEA! We could be Farmer Ninja's and wear tight black overalls!! LOL
like MF of A ?
or ummm....MFN's of A?
Wonder twin powers ACTIVATE! Form of an FN SCREW DRIVER!
Form of....ummm...ok DRAT I got nuttin. LOL, methinks it's too late for coherent thought. Sweet Dreams ya'll...
Form of Rain drops! Duh, how else is the FN corn gunna grow..Pfft, uh, tsss, shish, ahhhh....
oh yea! Color me FN Stooopid. lol
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