We all hate it.
If you like waiting, you're FN dingy.
I can wait without getting angry most of the time.
That whole thing with the "more than 3 people in line and we'll open another register" thing was a GREAT idea. Whom ever started it was a genius.
It's really too bad every customer service organization doesn't use that simple creed.
Disney has a great philosophy with regards to lines. There's absolutely nothing they can do to speed lines up because their rides and attractions can only move so fast. So what do they do?
They sell you something. But what they sell you isn't really tangible. They sell you "customer service" by keeping you busy with your eyes. They ALWAYS give you something to occupy your thoughts as you stand in line for hours just to ride a 30 second ride. now THAT is FN genius.
Did you know that at Disney land, they control the speed of the music playing while you're walking around the park? If they see the crowds moving along to slowly, they speed up the music and people walk faster. If they notice sales are slow, they slow down the music so you'll slow down and browse the shops more.
Yes way! I learned it indirectly from the Disney Institute when I was working in theaters.
Anyhoot...back to the topic...waiting.
I wrote a poem once about waiting. It was actually a challenge that someone had wrought upon me. A lady had challenged me to write something romantic and she would send me her picture. (Yes, I was on a dating site, and no we weren't talking about nudie pics...Drat.)
Needless to say, I won the challenge.
Didn't matter that the lady fell outta da ugly tree, hittin every limb on the way down.
What mattered was, I wrote a cool poem. Which, is one of my favorites to this day.
Yea, Yea. Here it is:
Through the mists of Avalon,
I saw her.
Like an Angel,
Her whisper warmed my soul.
Her eyes pierced my heart,
And broke down the walls protecting it.
I knew she was the one,
For whom I'd been waiting.
A single kiss she bestowed upon me,
Just for me.
And then she was gone,
Like a leaf in the wind.
Leaving behind,
A man,
So ummm....what else is there to say?
Is that phrase "Good things Effin come to those who wait" a lesson in futility?
According to my poem, it could mean that.
It could also mean, the person you're with may not necessarily be the best person for you.
That kinda diminishes the romance a bit though.
Maybe it means; Quit effin waiting and open your own register!
It's a good thing I'm 1 FN patient man.
Quote for the day:
"Patience is a virtue best left to those that are sedated." --- D.L. Brown
If I delete a comment, it tells everybody I deleted it? That's not right.
Your quote at the end made me laugh. :D
Would that moral be, "Love the one you're with"?, or would that be an oxymoral?
Great, I say GREAT, poem, btw. :)
BEAV SAYS I HATE WAITING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Comment Jen? lol ;)
YAY Anonymous! A NEW WORD! OXYMORAL! Quick...write that down! I am such a word nerd. Thanks, I like my poem too!
LOL, HEY BEAV! HOW do you keep a Beaver in suspense?
Hey! I'm supposed to be Anemonysnouss.
Oxymoral... I like that! Show yourself you genious you!
J AKA Twin.
hmmmmm You keep it under water ??
Nope...But I'll tell you tomorrow. :D
Under water... exactly. ;)
Billy Mays shouts excitedly, "OXYMoral! An extra scoop will clean up virtually your entire act!"
Lol. Bonus to whoever caught the anemone in my anonymousness.
You tell the beaver it is a groundhog ??
nope...but i'll tell ya tomorrow... lol
Some beavers know the joke :)
And will eat your staffs.
beav; that was baaad. Well, oxymoral-ly, anyway. Har!
Da Twins' Mom
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