Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Simplest of Times, The Toughest of Times

Every once in a while, things happen to people that you can't help them with.
It really sucks at these times, because, if you love your friends and family, it's difficult to feel so helpless. I'm just the type of person that I try to help no matter what. If someone is going to bring me into their circle and confide in me and trust me, I want to be there for them to do what ever they need me for.
Going through tough times is never easy for the person actually living through it.
Being on the fringes of these times can be trying, but I find it's a blessing that I can be there and help to support, prop up, give advice, etc.... to my friends in need of such things.
I passed my first 100 days without any alcohol a couple of days ago.
I'm so grateful that I have such supportive friends and family around me to help me through it.
Funny thing is my eyesight is going. It's getting difficult to read things that people try to show me right up in my face. I just can't focus fast enough. Here I thought it was just the alcohol. LOL
It seems I'm at that age where things start falling apart. (sigh)
I don't feeeel old, so I'm not old.
I still act like a big nerd and I actually enjoy it. It helps people to laugh.
I'm sure it's annoying at times, but those times are surely outweighed by the warm fuzzy feeling my friends BETTER GET when I'm around. ;)
I made a BIG batch of my Spice of Life if anyone is interested. I'm sending some out this week for those of you that are waiting on it. Look for it in your snailmail box.

I planted some Black Pine seeds this week. I'm going to try my hand at Bonsai trees and they're the ones that came in the nice kit my bro got me for Christmas. I can't wait to watch them transform. Very slowly. Yes, I'm a gardening nerd too. Live with it! I have to.

That is all.


Quote for the day:

"Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of - for credit is like fire; when once you have kindled it you may easily preserve it, but if you once extinguish it, you will find it an arduous task to rekindle it again. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. " -- Socrates


Anonymous said...

My Dick is so big that the warm fuzzy feeling it gets in your presence sends tingles all up and down it's spine.

Love you!

1 FN HandyMan said...


Anonymous said...

Go get your eyes checked :) I had to go do it today matter of fact! Shhhh we are all getting older!!!!By the way we all love your nerdiness!

Anonymous said...

J - REEEEALLY? You got one 'a dim t'ings? It has a spine??!! (Scratchin' head)

Love ya! U 2, Son. :D
UR Mom

1 FN HandyMan said...

LOL Thanks Bella! and Mom! :D

Jenny said...

Congratzies on the 100 days! That's fantastic.

1 FN HandyMan said...