Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There wasn't a Effin Pot of Gold

Saw this yesterday on the way home from work in the rain!
God's work is amazing!


Quote for the day:

"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places." -- Henny Youngman


Jenny said...

That's a beauty. I like how the sky is lighter under the rainbow. :)

Anonymous said...

There's a Pot-O-Gold. God holds it in the palm of His hand. He calls it; "Covenant". That's why they're so beautiful! ;D

Da Mom

Anonymous said...

Yes so beautiful :) Been so long since I have seen one of those!Thanks for sharing...

1 FN HandyMan said...

There's actually TWO rainbows in the pic...the other is very faint and to the left of the obvious one! Glad you all liked it! :)