Friday, November 21, 2008

Healing Personified

I just saw an article on a local news station about a phenomenon called Reiki (pronounced ray-key).
It's interesting how this subject keeps coming up and being brought to my attention. (or maybe I'm just noticing it more because it interests me.)
Here's the clinical definition of Reiki:

"Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. It is an ancient, natural energy healing art that balances energy in the body and promotes health on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. “Rei” means universal, higher power. “Ki” is the life force energy that is flowing through everything that is alive. Ki is similar to Qi (chi) in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Prana in Hinduism, and the Holy Spirit in Christianity. However, Reiki is not a religion or belief system. Reiki is simply a healing force that follows the Universal Laws of spiritual consciousness and unconditional love. It is a powerful tool for healing and balance. " - from the Transformational Healing website (email me if you'd like a link)

So basically, this has to do with what I've been blogging about lately.
This energy, however, is channeled through you, instead of using your own energy, you're using the energy around you to help people heal. From what I've read so far, this healing doesn't cure diseases, but can help ease pain and such. I'll definitely be doing more research on the subject.
This is getting weird. LOL
Why does this subject keep coming up??
I suppose I'm searching for some meaning to it all. That's a good thing. Nothing wrong with learning something new.
I'll continue to let you know what I find out about this totally interesting phenomenon (to me anyways).
What do you think? Are there such energies, in, and around us?
I'm interested enough to believe that there 'could' be.
I mean, what if there IS some energy we can tap into to help others and ourselves!
That would be amazing and life altering for everyone.
Yep, definitely have to look into this more....


Quote for the day:

"You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters. " -- Plato, Dialogues, Theatetus


Anonymous said...

LOL Hi honey...Reiki has been around longer than you think and many people know about it. In the massage world we learn about it in school. There is such a thing depending on who you talk to. I personally don't believe in Reiki but there are people I know that practice it and say that it works. There are different hand positions and meditations you must do to get to that state but supposedly it is pretty powerful.

1 FN HandyMan said...

Hi J!! Actually in some of my research, I did find that they teach it as part of a curriculum at a massage school I came acrossed. It also seems that anyone wanting to get to the three levels of Reiki need to pay through da nose to get it. LOL!
Ah well...perhaps I'll find my way to energy enlightenment on my own through life experiences. :)

Anonymous said...

of course things have energy. every living thing uses and makes energy in order to exist. it would only make sense that we could use it for something other than sustaining life.

1 FN HandyMan said...

I am in total agreement Em! Might be looking into a massage therapy thingy now cause of Joyce! lol

Anonymous said...

Ya know D... I'm thinkin that maybe God just wants you to be prayed over. THERES YER SIGN!