Thursday, November 20, 2008

Honor is Still Among Us

I just read an article about J.P. Hayes, a pro golfer, who disqualified himself because of a small error while he was playing in a tournament.
here's the link if you want to read it:,123304

The gist of the article is that this guy told on himself regarding a rule he broke while playing a round of golf in the tournament. Nobody would have noticed the error, but he did the honorable thing after he noticed what he had done.
I think that's cool. Now it may be a minor thing to a guy that's made 7 million dollars through out his sports career, but nonetheless, he did the right thing.
Would I do the same?
I can say yes. I'd rather be able to sleep at night, than play or do something dishonorably.
I wonder if I've passed this kind of ethic on to my son, and whether he knows if I'm that type of man.
It's an interesting topic.
If only our politicians were as honorable...
Good Job J.P.!


Quote for the day:

"The purpose of life is to fight maturity." -- Dick Werthimer


Anonymous said...

I do that stuff all the time. LOL But that's a good guy. His wife should be proud if he's married.

1 FN HandyMan said...

I Totally agree J! It should be second nature to most people, but it just isn't unfortunately.