Friday, December 19, 2008

Noggin Joggin!

Try this sometime....
Give yourself 3.5 minutes to write a poem and see what comes out of your noggin.
This was my Noggin Joggin for the day... lol (and no, I never said ALL my effin poems were good so :P )

Ode to this CA Weather...

Oh this California weather peaks,
This Global Warming,
It surely Does Reek.
My pool froze over,
Just the other day,
As if I was in Iceland,
Some city by a bay.
What the HECK!
I didst decry,
All the while,
Mine nasal passages,
They did die.
My Nose Runneth over,
My lungs they did sneeze,
My toes went blue all over,
They surely did freeze.
It never rains in California!
HA! They were oh so wrong,
Eff those dang Liberals who wrote that song!
Give me back my warmth,
Oh Great God in the Sky,
I can’t rhyme with warmth,
So I’ll just say Bye Bye.

yea yea. it sucked...
so what?
I get to go pick up my son at the airport tonight! YAY!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Quote for the day:

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. " -- Robert Frost

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